Stephen Bradwell, one of the directors of Wath Hall, has organised a ghost hunt specifically for 13-18 year old children. It will take place on Saturday 28th October 7pm -12 midnight at Wath Hall. Parental consent forms must be completed including emergency numbers and medical details. The consent form needs to be brought with the child to the event. Anyone attending without such will not be able to take part. A parent or guardian must ring to book the place. There are only 20 places available. ( If more people apply we will consider running the event again). The event is completely free but the children will need transport to and from the event. This event has kindly been run by South Yorkshire Amateur Paranormal Society who have run several successful events for adults in the Hall previously. Many thanks to them.
This is the parental letter:
Date 13.10.17
Our ref: Wath Hall Ltd
Mr Stephen Bradwell
Director of Wath Hall Ltd
Telephone number 07939 544404
Dear Parent/Guardian,
On Saturday 28th of October 2017 we shall be holding a ghost hunt for young people aged between from 13 to 18 years of age at Wath Hall. The ghost hunt will be hosted by South Yorkshire Amateur Paranormal Society. The ghost hunt will start at 7pm and finish at midnight. There is no cost to your child, however, you will need to ensure that they can get to, and from, the venue.
In the interests of safety and to ensure young people enjoy the experience we will have a maximum of 20 young people during the ghost hunt. This will be done on a first come first served basis. If your child does not wish to miss out then it please call the number above and book a place for them on the ghost hunt.
I have attached a consent form that needs to be completed and given to the staff hosting the event by your child on the night. Please ensure that this is done, as we need to have these details in case of emergencies.
Should you have any queries please contact us on the details above.
Yours sincerely
Mr Stephen Bradwell
Wath Hall Ltd
Wath Hall,
Church Street
Wath-upon-Dearne S63 7RE
Registered charity number 1168736
This is the Activity consent form that needs to be printed off and completed and brought on the night.
Wath Hall – Activity Consent Form
Details of activity:
Ghost hunt at Wath Hall lead by South Yorkshire Amateur Paranormal Society on Saturday 28/10/17 at 7pm till midnight. Young people are expected to make their own way to and from Wath Hall.
I agree to .............................................................................. (name) taking part in this activity and have read and understand the information provided. Yes / No
I understand the extent and limitations of the insurance cover provided. Yes / No
I agree to my son/daughter’s participation in the activities described. Yes /No
Please list here any activities which your child cannot participate in:
I acknowledge the need for my son/daughter to behave responsibly. Yes/ No
I can confirm that my child is aged ........................................
Medical information about your child
1a) Date of birth of your son/daughter:
- b) Does your child suffer from any conditions which the visit leader needs to be aware of for example: medical conditions, illness, allergies, night-time tendencies (sleepwalking, bedwetting, nightmares), travel sickness etc? Yes / No
- c) If yes, please provide details:
1d) Does your child take medication? Yes /No
- e) If Yes, please give details, including how medication is administered, including details of medication, timing, dosage and any side effects the medication may have:
- f) Please outline any special dietary requirements of your child:
- g) To the best of your knowledge, has your son/daughter been in contact with any contagious or infectious diseases or suffered from anything in the last four weeks that may be contagious or infectious? Yes or No
h) If Yes, please give details:
i) Is your son/daughter allergic to any medication? Yes / No j) If Yes, please specify:
k) When did your son/daughter last have a tetanus injection?
l) I will inform the staff as soon as possible of any changes in medical or other circumstances between now and the start of the visit. Yes / no
m) I agree to my son/daughter receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. Yes / No
Contact information
I can be contacted using the following telephone numbers:
Work: Home:
Home address:
Alternative emergency contact:
Name: ________________________ Telephone number:
Name of family doctor: Telephone number:
I consent to my child taking part in this visit:
Signed: Date:
Full name (capitals):